Sunday work, probationary periods and old-age insurance scheme

Newsletter n°16 - Labor law Contents Regulations Sunday workMail law - Macron bill - Taking into account of internship periods by the old-age insurance schemeDecree of March 11, 2015 Jurisprudence...

Sunday work

The regulations relating to the rest of employees provide that the employer cannot have an employee work more than six days a week (Art. L. 3132-1 of the Labor Code). This weekly rest, of a minimum duration of 24 hours to which are added the hours of daily rest, must in principle be given the ...

Validation of internship periods by the old-age insurance scheme

Under the terms of Article L. 351-17 of the Social Security Code, created by Article 28 of Law No. 2014-40 of January 20, 2014, students may request that the general scheme social security, internship periods subject to the payment of contributions and within the limit of two...

Labor law – Case law (Feb. Mar. 2015)

1. Validity of the designation of a compulsory complementary insurance organization 2. Reminder concerning the exercise of the right to strike 3. Unenforceability of a modification of the internal regulations 4. Capacity of the CHSCT to receive compensation for the damage resulting from the attack on its prerogatives 5. Coti...

Trustee contract: Publication of the decree defining the standard contract of co-ownership trustee and the specific services

The Alur law (law no. 2014-366 of March 24, 2014 for access to housing and renovated town planning) made two essential changes to the rules applicable to the trustee contract. These modifications affect, on the one hand, the form and content of the contract and, on the other hand, the trustee's remuneration. We attract...