2nd edition of the "Summer of Entrepreneurs" competition from June 14 to September 30, 2021

Earn up to 100 hours of legal and accounting expertise for your company! Highlighting entrepreneurs with ambitious projects, responsible, environmental, social and...

Focus on the judgment of the Plenary Assembly of the Court of Cassation of January 20, 2020

Why talk about this decision which is already more than 6 months old? The wave caused by this decision was abruptly stopped by the appearance of the Covid-19 but the deconfinement leads the practitioners to...

Provisional patent application: a novelty to be handled with care

Today, July 1, 2020, the provisional patent application comes into force. New introduced by the Pacte Law, the terms of which were determined by Decree No. 2020-15 dated January 8, 2020, the objective of...