In accordance with the restrictions decided by the French public authorities to slow the spread of the Covid19 epidemic, the firm Arst Avocats has adapted its organization. Thus, its premises will be closed to the public until further notice and all its teams will be encouraged to work from their private homes.

However, these measures do not call into question the continuity of the services offered to Arst Avocats clients, quite the contrary.

Regarding contentious cases, they continue to be processed within the required timeframes and the lawyers will attend the hearings when they are maintained.

Concerning the consulting activity, the firm Arst Avocats continues to monitor the operations in progress and more generally to respond to all requests from its clients.

Above all, Arst Avocats is currently deploying specific means to respond to the crisis situation that the firm's clients are experiencing:

  • Regular publication on its website and social networks of official recommendations in the various sectors of law where Covid19 is most felt (social law, contractual law, law of companies in difficulty) in order to be up to date with the evolution of the French and European regulatory context
  • Establishment of two "hotlines" (social and business) to answer legal questions relating to the consequences of the epidemic
  • Special support for customers who request it to determine and apply all the measures that can already be taken (partial unemployment of employees, deferral of payment of social charges, contractual suspensions)

Finally, because the current crisis will impact the contractual relations of almost all companies operating in France, Arst Avocats has developed a "Covid19" clause whose purpose is to organize the consequences of the postponement or cancellation services that can no longer be provided and offers advice and support services in the adaptation, negotiation and implementation of this clause or the contracts concluded, through endorsements.

Arst Avocats, which has also developed specific know-how in mass contractual auditing, can expedite the examination of large quantities of contracts to examine the issues associated with the clauses they may contain (unforeseeability, force majeure, termination , penalties).

During this period, Arst Avocats is therefore fully mobilized so that its clients can count on its presence, responsiveness and support.

Partners can be contacted at any time at the following numbers:

And this, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In this period, doing your job, serving your customers, is the best response to this crisis so that its consequences are not amplified.