CCN of architecture, urban planning and environment councils

Order of July 2, 2015 extending an amendment to the national collective agreement for architecture, town planning and environment councils (no. 2666) The provisions of amendment no. 20 of January 21, 2015 relating to the value of the point, to the aforementioned national collective agreement, subject to the app...

Housing contract, right of ownership and accessibility

Newsletter n° 26 - Real estate law LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY NEWS Housing contractDecree n° 2015-587 of May 29, 2015Defence of property rightsProposal of law of May 20, 2015AccessibilityBill of...


The draft law ratifying Ordinance No. 2014-1090 of September 26, 2014 relating to the accessibility of establishments open to the public, public transport, residential buildings and roads for people with disabilities has been approved. adopted by the Senate on June 2 and sent to the Assembly...

Protection of property rights – Bill

On May 20, 2015, senators tabled a bill to strengthen the protection of property rights. This text, which aims to fight against the occupation without right or title of real estate, revolves around two axes. It aims on the one hand to prevent these situations and on the other...

Alur law: Standard housing contract

The law of July 6, 1989 amended by the Alur law (law no. 2014-366 of March 24, 2014 for access to housing and renovated town planning) requires the use of a standard lease contract for residential use. The decree of May 29, 2015, taken for the application of articles 3, 8-1 and 25-7 of the law of July 6, 1989, prec...

Real estate law – Case law (Apr. May 2015)

1. Condition precedent without fixed term stipulated in the promise of sale 2. Terms of appointment of the trustee of co-ownership 3. Recourse of the trustee against an administrative decision 4. Ownership of the basement 5. Indexation of the rent 6. Assistance of the lessor to the sublet 7. Cumulative remuneration of the real estate agent...