Covid 19 – Focus on the fate of commercial rents
Presentation of article 14 of law n ° 2020-1379 of November 14, 2020 authorizing the extension of the state of health emergency and carrying various measures for managing the health crisis The context of the establishment of the ...
Focus on the judgment of the Plenary Assembly of the Court of Cassation of January 20, 2020
Why talk about this decision which is already more than 6 months old? The wave caused by this decision was abruptly stopped by the appearance of the Covid-19 but the deconfinement leads the practitioners to...
Lease management in collective proceedings
The opening of the procedure The management of previous debts What must be declared by the lessor: The debts corresponding to the rents and accessories due and not paid prior to the judge...
Covid-19: Knowing how to navigate between procedures
The law of companies in difficulty is both procedural (it is based on the opening of different types of procedures, which are intended to provide, each in its own right, a framework for dealing with the difficulties of the debit...
Covid-19: Claim – Deadlines to master
The claim is a very important act for the owner of a property within the framework of a collective procedure. Its realization is complicated by the period of Covid-19. The purpose of this communication is to raise awareness...
Declaration of claims & Covid-19: how to control deadlines
The declaration of claim is a very important act for the creditor. Its realization is complicated by the period of Covid-19. The purpose of this communication is to raise awareness of this complication and the calculations to be...