The application over time of the Pinel law and the regime of clauses deemed unwritten

The provisions resulting from the Pinel law relating to clauses deemed unwritten can be applied to a previous contract and in progress at the time of its entry into force. The action tending to have this class recognized...

Borrower insurance: duty to advise and prescription

The action of the borrower in compensation for the loss of chance to take out more suitable insurance against the bank which advised him, is prescribed by 5 years from the refusal of the guarantee of the insurer., 6 d...

Simplification of the obligation to register company deeds

Finance Law No. 2020-1721 for 2021 Abolition of the obligation to register company deeds In the continuity of a general movement to reduce the obligations...

Online intermediation services and professional users

EU Regulation n°2019/1150 “Platform to business”: publication of guidelines by the European Commission The European Commission has published guidelines...

Franchise contracts and freedom of the franchisee

Clauses having the effect of restricting the freedom of the franchisee after the end of the contract must necessarily be limited to a period of one year. Court of Appeal of Paris, Pole 5, chamber 4, July 1, 2020, n° 17/21498 ...

Franchise agreement clauses and significant imbalance

After a national investigation by the DGCCRF into the commercial practices of Subway with its 400 franchised restaurants, the Paris Commercial Court canceled seven clauses of the franchise contracts concluded by the brand on the...