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Brexit: What consequences for British workers in France and their employers?
January 31, 2020 Until December 31, 2020 November 19, 2020 Agreement with the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU Transition period Decree No. 2020-1417 transposing the withdrawal agreement into French law The situation of British workers...

“Covid tax” and complementary health insurance
The LFSS for 2021 establishes an "exceptional contribution to the management of expenses related to the management of the covid-19 epidemic", known as "Covid tax", based on complementary health contributions. The juice...

Merger-absorption and public action against the absorbed
Reversal of case law: the merger-absorption does not lead to the termination of the public action directed against the absorbed Court of Cassation, Criminal Division, 25.Nov.2020, n°18-86.955 FS PBI, Société Iron Mountain France ...

Commercial agent status and the power to negotiate prices
Jurisprudential reversal: the Court of Cassation recognizes that the status of commercial agent does not necessarily imply the power to negotiate prices Court of Cassation, civil, Commercial Chamber, December 2, 2020, 18-20....

Registration of electronically signed deeds
Since January 1, 2021, companies can have electronically signed private deeds registered with the competent registration services, with the exception of unilateral promises of sale me...

Termination clause and waiver of the lessor
A lessor who has requested and obtained the acquisition of a termination clause under the terms of a decision that has become final, can no longer, in the event of non-compliance by the lessee with the payment deadlines conditioning the suspension of ...