Brexit and ongoing insurance contracts

British insurers who have been able to operate on French territory thanks to their European passports, will not be able to see their current insurance or reinsurance contracts renewed, extended or renewed. The interpreter...

The total closure of trade and force majeure

The total closure of trade in the context of the state of health emergency and confinement is likely to take on the nature of force majeure

Covid-19 – New turn of the screw imposed on French insurers!

During the first confinement linked to the health crisis triggered by the spread of Covid-19, the public authorities asked a number of actors to contribute to the national effort to support the economy.

Covid 19 – Focus on the fate of commercial rents

Presentation of article 14 of law n ° 2020-1379 of November 14, 2020 authorizing the extension of the state of health emergency and carrying various measures for managing the health crisis The context of the establishment of the ...

The inter-company loan: an unknown solution that deserves to be highlighted in this context of health crisis?

Introduced into the Monetary and Financial Code by Law No. 2015-990 of August 6, 2015 for growth, activity and equal economic opportunity (known as the Macron law), the inter-company loan allows...

Focus on the judgment of the Plenary Assembly of the Court of Cassation of January 20, 2020

Why talk about this decision which is already more than 6 months old? The wave caused by this decision was abruptly stopped by the appearance of the Covid-19 but the deconfinement leads the practitioners to...