Covid-19 & Contracts: Part 2 – IT contracts 

In this period of health crisis, which contractual clauses need to be adjusted? Arst Avocats conducted an analysis of the main existing contracts, drew up an overview of the impacts of Covid on the contracts in co...

COVID-19: Adaptation of the deadlines for convening and consulting the CSE

The scope Concerns from May 3 to August 23, 2020 Does not concern The employer's plans to deal with the economic, financial and social consequences of the epidemic Collective performance agreements...

Covid-19 & Labor Law: Towards deconfinement

On May 3, 2020, the Ministry of Labor published a national deconfinement protocol for companies to ensure the health and safety of employees. This protocol is intended to serve as a guide for companies to ensure...

In this period of health crisis, which contractual clauses need to be adjusted?

Arst Avocats has conducted an analysis of the main existing contracts, drawn up an overview of the impacts of Covid on current contracts and developed for you the necessary standard amendments in the form of easily adaptable forms...

Lease management in collective proceedings

The opening of the procedure The management of previous debts What must be declared by the lessor: The debts corresponding to the rents and accessories due and not paid prior to the judge...

Termination by agreement & Deadlines: Clarifications welcome

Uncertainty removed by the ordinance of April 15, 2020 and the implementing decree of April 24, 2020 Emergency law n°2020-290 of March 23, 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic notably established a state of emergency...