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Covid-19: Partial activity and consultation of the CSE
The decree of March 25, 2020 n ° 2020-325 relating to partial activity allows the employer to obtain the opinion of the CSE after his request for partial activity when his request is based on exceptional cir...

Covid-19: Payment of rents relating to business premises
I. The context of the establishment of Ordinance 2020-316 of March 25, 2020 Emergency Law No. 2020-290 of March 23, 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic notably established a state of health emergency and permit to G...

Emergency measures: The ordinances of March 25, 2020
The context of the establishment of the ordinances of March 25, 2020 Emergency law n°2020-290 of March 23, 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic notably established a state of health emergency and allowed the Government from...

Covid-19 & Labor law: Latest orders
Today three ordinances out of the 25 announced have been adopted. We put them at your disposal. Ordinance on emergency measures in terms of paid leave, working hours and days of rest Ordinance adapting...

Covid-19: Holding the AGOA of my SAS during confinement
Questions currently arising in the SAS Is it mandatory to convene the general meeting for the approval of the accounts and the allocation of the result for the closed financial year? If the holding of a general meeting...

Covid-19: Can the “unpaid rent” guarantee of the owner of professional premises come into play?
Bringing the “unpaid rent” guarantee into play? reminders & questions Observation: the current health crisis could cause economic difficulties for some tenants, placing them in the inability to pay their l...