The impact of the mobility orientation law for companies – December 24, 2019 n° 2019-1428

The Mobility Orientation Law (hereinafter “LOM”), the aim of which is to profoundly modify transport policy, was published in the Official Journal on December 26, 2019. In addition to the measures intended to ...

Arst Podcast – EP2 Staff count rules

Podcast Arts Avocats: The rules for counting staff with Chaouki Gaddada, associate lawyer. ...

Arst Podcast – EP1 The establishment of the CSE

Podcast Arts Avocats: The establishment of the Social and Economic Committee with Chaouki Gaddada, associate lawyer. lang: en_US Tweet Chaouki Gaddada Associate Lawyer Lawyer at the Barr...

Arst Podcast – The establishment of the Social and Economic Committee

Podcast Arts Avocats: new year, new format! First podcast with Chaouki Gaddada, associate lawyer, who will present the rules for setting up the Social and Economic Committee (CSE). lang: en_US Tweet ...

Proof of legal acts, probative force of the copy

Jefferson Larue, associate lawyer at Arst lawyers presents the proof of the legal acts and more particularly the probative force of the copy compared to the original. In French law the principle is that proof of an act ...

Severance pay: impact of serious misconduct during the notice period

 “If the right to severance pay arises on the date on which the dismissal is notified, the assessment of the amount of the severance pay is made taking into account seniority at the expiry of the contract. This results...