Seizure of the life insurance contract by the public accountant

Jefferson Larue, associate lawyer at Arst lawyers presents the seizure of the life insurance contract by the public accountant. Jefferson Larue author associate attorney...

Video – The manager's duty to inform his associates

Jefferson Larue, partner lawyer at Arst lawyers presents to you the duty of information of the manager with regard to his partners. Jefferson Larue author lawyer...

Reform of civil procedure – Focus on the main measures to come – Law of 23 March 2019 on programming 2018-2022 and reform for justice

The simplification of civil procedure is one of the essential axes of the law of March 23, 2019 of programming 2018-2022 and reform for justice. This reform of civil procedure aims to be, for the litigant,...

Obligation to employ disabled workers: new rules from January 1, 2020

LAW n° 2018-771 of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future, known as the Avenir law, reformed the obligation to employ disabled workers (OETH), with the aim of increasing the rate of e ...

The SAS definitely becomes the most attractive social form following the reform of the statutory auditors!

The Pacte law (law n ° 2019-486 of May 22, 2019) has profoundly reformed the system of statutory auditors in SAS, thus increasing a little more the attractiveness of this social form. It was quickly supplemented by a...

So-called Macron scales validated by the Court of Cassation

In an opinion delivered on July 17, 2019, the Court of Cassation considered that the scales provided for in article L. 1235-3 of the Labor Code, known as the Macron scale, were not contrary to international conventions and treaties, in ...