Acknowledgment of the termination of the employment contract and reform of contract law

According to established case law, the employee can take note of the termination of his employment contract due to breaches of which he blames his employer. Seized by the employee, the judge must then rule on the imputability of...

Framework for commercial relations between professionals – New in the order of April 24, 2019

On April 25, 2019, Ordinance No. 2019-359 revising Title IV of Book IV of the French Commercial Code relating to transparency, practices that restrict competition and other prohibited practices was published in the Journal Of...

Remember to explicitly waive the application of the non-competition clause!

Paying a contractual severance indemnity of an amount much higher than the legal severance indemnity in no way protects the employee from additional requests, the judgment of the Court of Cassation of February 6, 2019...

Brexit – the fate of British nationals present on French territory

March 29, 2019, the day of an event that will undoubtedly mark a turning point in the history of the European Union, the one called Brexit. It is indeed on this date that the two-year period provided for in Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union since the United Kingdom notified its intention to...

The social regime for business gifts

So-called business gifts offered to customers or partners may be subject to social security contributions and contributions. The social system for business gifts is covered by article L. ...

News on working time – Towards greater employer control

In two series of different judgments, one relating to the overtime system, the other to the daily rate system, the Court of Cassation adopted a very firm position with regard to the employer. .