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Article 1195 of the Civil Code, paper tiger of contract law
"The paper tiger is the literal translation of the Chinese expression 'zhǐ lǎohǔ' (紙老虎), denoting a seemingly threatening, but actually harmless thing" (Wik definition...

Sudden breakdown of talks and zone reservation contracts
The abrupt breakdown of the talks was not due to a loss of confidence in the franchisee candidate, but rather the latter's refusal to change the location of the residential area.

The involvement of article 1171 of the Civil Code and the apprehension of the significant imbalance in business relations between professionals
Court of Cassation, Commercial Chamber, January 26, 2022, n°20-16.782 The judgment of January 26, 2022 delivered by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation sheds light on the articulation of the applicable texts...

Failure to declare cessation of payments and prohibition to manage
Failure to declare insolvency may be sanctioned by a ban on management, even if the manager had not realized that he was in a state of insolvency. Cas. ...

Share of undivided property and commitment of the married guarantor
The share of undivided property is taken into account in the assessment of the disproportion of the commitment of the married surety under the regime of separation of property. Cas. civil. 1, 19 January 2022, no...

SaaS solution, which contract to sell to large accounts?
When developing a SaaS Solution comes the time to market it (finally!). And with this marketing, many questions arise: should we establish a contract to sell to customers...