Professional security contract

Created by law n° 2011-893 of July 28, 2011 known as the “Cherpion” law, the professional security contract (CSP) was the subject of the national interprofessional agreement of May 31, 2011 then of the Unédic convention on July 19 2011. This scheme, expiring on December 31, 2014 and extended until December 31...

Terms of Sales

Newsletter n° 9 - Business law Contents LEGISLATION GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Order of December 18 JURISPRUDENCE … of November 18, 2014 Leasing: judicial liquidation does not preclude the finding of...

Business law – Case law (Nov. 2014)

1. Leasing: Judicial liquidation does not preclude the finding of the prior acquisition of a resolutory clause 2. The powers of the judge-commissioner 3. The joint surety may avail himself of the rejection of the debt pronounced in favor of his co-trustee 4. Omission in the handwritten mention of the...

Terms of Sales

The decree of December 18, 2014 relating to the information contained in the general conditions of sale in terms of legal warranty is taken for the application of article L.133-3 of the Consumer Code. This article provides that the general conditions of sale (CGV) of consumer contracts mention...

Local observatory of rents and rental value of residential premises

Newsletter n° 8 - Property law Contents LEGISLATION LOCAL RENT OBSERVATORIES Decree of November 5, 2014 - Order of November 10, 2014 RENTAL VALUE OF HOUSING PREMISES Order of December 18, 2014 JURISPRUDENC...

Real Estate Law – Jurisprudence (Oct. Nov. Dec. 2014)

1. Bringing free trade union associations into compliance 2. Modalities for the appointment of the trustee by the co-owners 3. Prescription of the action for annulment of the trustee's mandate 4. Clarification on the co-owners' interest in acting 5. Reference to an index of fixed base in an indexing clause 6. Get...