Biennial prescription of insurance law: the Constitutional Council to the aid of insurers!

Marked by the salvoes of the Court of Cassation against the provisions of the insurance code according to it not severe enough for insurers, the year 2022 ended with the unexpected reinforcement of the C...

Cookies: the cookie banner must make it as easy to refuse cookies as to accept them!

Another sanction from the CNIL on the subject of cookies. As a reminder, the legislation provides for the obligation, with some exceptions, to obtain the consent of the Internet user before any writing or...

Franchisors: communicating an unrealistic forecast and an incomplete DIP can be risky

Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation, December 1, 2021, n°18-26.572 In a judgment of December 1, 2021, the Court of Cassation confirms the conviction of a franchisor, on the basis of fraud, against...

Turn of the screw on insurance contracts: the Court of Cassation increases the pressure 

The year 2021 will undoubtedly mark a turning point in the fight of the Court of Cassation in favor of strengthening the protection of policyholders against the mechanisms of insurance law which have the effect of...

The payment order, a simplified, quick and non-contradictory procedure

The order for payment The order for payment is a simplified, rapid and non-contradictory procedure by which a creditor requests the recovery of a claim arising from a contract, a letter of...

Force majeure and insecurity in the area where the franchisee is established

The known insecurity of the area of ​​implantation does not constitute an unforeseeable or inevitable circumstance. Montpellier Court of Appeal, Commercial Chamber, October 26, 2021, No. 19/02199, SARL RACI...