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Formal notices sent en masse by the CNIL for non-compliant cookies
On May 18, 2021, the President of the CNIL sent around twenty formal notices to private and public organizations, including international players, on the grounds that they did not allow Internet users ...

Tremplin scheme – Financial boost for VSEs and SMEs committed to ecological transition
The implementation of the "France Relance" plan Finance your ecological transition projects with financial aid from the "Springboard for the ecological transition of SMEs" ...

Invocation of business secrecy for information contained in a subpoena
If business secrecy is in principle mentioned with regard to the production of documents in court, a judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal of April 8, 2021 recalls that one can rely on secrecy...

Religious freedom in private companies: what can an employer do in the face of a religious fact?
Discussion on religious beliefs, wearing a religious symbol… what are the rights of employees in the professional environment and what are the limits that the employer can set? ...

Means of cassation against a judgment rendered on dismissal: now, cassation on cassation is valid!
The Court of Cassation, meeting in Plenary Assembly, has just reconsidered the praetorian rule, dating from 1971, according to which it is not possible to appeal in cassation against a judgment or judgment rendered after referral...

The open data calendar for court decisions unveiled
The Law for a digital republic dated October 7, 2016 (law n°2016-1321) provides for the open data of court decisions, i.e. the free availability of all decisions to the public of righteousness. Gold ...