What is the relationship between the sudden termination of established commercial relations and Covid-19?

The sudden termination of established commercial relations is defined by Article L.442-1 II of the Commercial Code:

  • The termination of established commercial relations can only occur after the execution of a notice taking into account the duration of the commercial relationship.
  • Any sudden termination is in principle sanctioned by the liability of the author of the termination.
  • Two exemptions: non-performance by the other party of its obligations and the case of force majeure.


The abrupt rupture of established ffffffchomrcial Le Covid-19 is defined by the article L.mmerce:

Effects : The Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences are likely to be qualified as force majeure if they:

  • beyond the control of the debtor;
  • could not be reasonably foreseen;
  • could not be avoided by appropriate measures;
  • Make it impossible to continue business relations.


What implications?

A business partner can therefore abruptly terminate established business relationships without having to give any notice if this termination is justified by a case of force majeure.

The notice currently in progress, granted by the business partner, would not be suspended due to the effects of Covid-19.

PS: Failing to be qualified as an event falling under a case of force majeure, the Covid 19 pandemic and its effects could nevertheless justify such a waiver of notice in view of their unprecedented impact on the French economy. (Court of Cassation. October 6, 2017, n°08-12.416 which retained as exonerating cause of the responsibility for sudden rupture the economic crisis)

What behavior to adopt?

For the party who would like to immediately break off its commercial relations:


-Ensure that it can claim a case of force majeure and in particular verify that appropriate measures cannot be adopted to avoid the effects and consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic

- Notify the other party of its desire to immediately terminate commercial relations due to an event of force majeure

- Calculate the notice period that should have been respected in order to assess the financial risk possibly incurred

For the party that wants to anticipate the abrupt termination of its relationship with its business partner:


- Examine the situations of commercial relations established in the context of which the co-contracting party can invoke force majeure

- Negotiate the possible maintenance of commercial relations and/or the deadlines for the termination to take effect (if despite the force majeure, a residual execution of the contract can be envisaged)

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