Under the terms of article 18 of the law of July 6, 1989 tending to improve rental relations and modifying law n° 86-1290 of December 23, 1986, modified by the Alur law, in the zones of continuous urbanization of more than 50,000 inhabitants where there is a marked imbalance between supply and demand for housing, leading to serious difficulties in accessing housing across the entire residential stock, a decree annually sets the maximum amount for changes in the rents of vacant homes and renewed contracts.
Decree No. 2015-931 of July 29, 2015 relating to changes in certain rents in the context of a new rental or lease renewal, taken pursuant to Article 18 of Law No. 89- 462 of July 6, 1989, taken for the application of this provision is applicable to contracts concluded during the period from August 1 , 2015 and July 31, 2016. According to this decree, when a vacant dwelling is the subject of a new rental, the rent of the new rental contract cannot exceed the last rent applied to the previous tenant.
However, when no rent revision has taken place during the twelve months preceding the conclusion of the new rental contract, the rent applied to the new tenant cannot exceed the last rent applied to the previous revised tenant according to the variation of the rent. benchmark rent index.
The decree provides for several derogations when the owner has carried out work to improve the property, when the previous rent was manifestly undervalued and when the prefect has set a reference rent by order.

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