Decree No. 2014-1334 of November 5, 2014 relating to local rent observatories, the procedures for communicating and disseminating their data and the creation of the Scientific Committee for the observation of rents, which entered into force on November 8, 2014, determines the procedures according to which the Minister responsible for housing issues or withdraws the approval of local rent observatories.

In particular, it specifies the form and content of the application for approval. These elements are also clarified by the decree of November 10, 2014 relating to local rent observatories and the procedures for communicating and disseminating their data, which sets the list of documents to be provided with the request. These texts were taken for the application of the Alur law, which provides for the creation of local observatories of rents (Art. 16 of law n ° 89-462 of July 6, 1989 tending to improve the rental reports modified by the law Alur).
These observatories, created on the initiative of local authorities and inter-municipalities, are tasked with collecting data relating to rents in a given geographical area and making statistical results available to the public. The decree of November 5, 2014 conditions the issuance of approval on several elements including:

  • compliance with the methodological prescriptions defined by a committee, created by the decree, namely, the scientific committee for the observation of rents;
  •  the existence of a balanced representation of landlords, tenants and managers within the governing bodies of the observatory as well as the presence of qualified personalities in the field of housing or statistics.

Article 3 of the decree provides for the methods of communication of the data collected by the observatories to public and private persons. This article also provides for the annual publication of the observatory's results. This publication must take place before March 31 of each year (Art. 2 of the decree of November 10, 2014). These results should show:

  • the median and average level of rent at the scale of the agglomeration;
  • the median and average rent level by geographical area;
  • framework data on the housing stock observed;
  • the main trends in the rental market if changes in rental levels are observed.

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