January 31, 2020 Until December 31, 2020 November 19, 2020
UK withdrawal agreement from the EU Transition period Decree No. 2020-1417 transposing the withdrawal agreement into French law

The situation of British people working in France before December 31, 2020

Obligation to hold a title as of October 1, 2021

  • Purpose: to enter, stay and work in France
  • Deadline for submitting the title application: before July 1, 2021
  • Condition of attribution: automatically ( Ø long-term visa, Ø medical certificate), except if the worker constitutes a threat to public order
  • Renewal: free and as of right
  Works and resides in France for more than 5 years Work and reside in France for less than 5 years Works in France but does not live there (resident of UK, EU or EEA)
  Attribution of a permanent residence permit bearing the mention: "Permanent residence - Article 50 TEU / Article 18(1) Agreement with the withdrawal of the UK from the EU" Attribution of a residence permit bearing the mention: "Article 50 TEU / Article 18(1) Agreement on withdrawal of the UK from the EU" Allocation of a movement document bearing the words "Article 50 TEU / Frontier worker / Agreement with the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU - Non-resident"
Period of validity 10 years 5 years 5 years

For employers: mandatory verification that the British worker, working in France before December 31, 2020, is in possession of a permit from October 1, 2021

The situation of British people working in France after December 31, 2020

Application of CESEDA provisions*

  • Application for a work permit to the DIRECCTE: by Cerfa n°15186 (resident in France) or n°15187 (resident outside France)
  • Medical examination: with the OFII, within 3 months of the work authorization by the DIRECCTE
  • Payment of a tax to the OFII: if the worker holds a work permit for the first time.

*Unless the British national is also the holder of a residence permit issued under the withdrawal agreement (for example with regard to his private and family life)

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