The scope

Applies from May 3 to August 23, 2020

Does not concern


The employer's plans to deal with the economic, financial and social consequences of the epidemic
  • Collective performance agreements
  • job protection plans
  • Recurring consultations

Exceptional notice periods

For the central CSE

For CSEs and establishment CSEs


3 calendar days before the meeting

2 calendar days before the meeting

Instead of 8 days

instead of 3 days


Exceptional information-consultation deadlines

Time limit …

… from the central CSE

… CSEs and establishment CSEs

… to give an opinion without expertise 8 days (instead of 1 month) 8 days (instead of 1 month)
… to provide an expert opinion 12 days (instead of 2 months) 11 days (instead of 2 months)
… between the transmission of the opinion of the CSE to the central CSE and the date on which the central CSE is deemed to have been consulted 1 day minimum instead of 7 days

Derogatory periods of expertise

Deadline for expert to ask the employer for additional information necessary for his mission 24 hours (instead of 3 days)
Deadline for the employer to respond to the expert's request 24 hours (instead of 5 days)
Deadline for the expert to notify the employer of the estimated cost, scope and duration of the expertise 48 hours (instead of 10 days)
Deadline for the employer to seize the judge of an appeal 48 hours (instead of 10 days)
Minimum time between the submission of the report by the expert and the expiry of the consultation deadlines of the CSE 24 hours (instead of 15 days)


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