Reminder of the timetable for the adoption of the emergency bill to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic

Presentation of the bill by the government on March 18, 2020

On March 18, 2020, the government presented an emergency bill to the Senate aimed, in particular, at establishing a state of health emergency and allowing it to adopt, by ordinances, emergency measures related to the crisis. of the Coronavirus-Covid-19. The accelerated procedure was initiated by the government under this bill.

The parliamentary phase

  • On March 19, 2020, the bill passed the first reading by the Senate.
  • On March 21, 2020, the bill was amended and adopted at first reading by the National Assembly.
  • This Sunday, March 22, the bill was adopted by the joint committee.

State of health emergency and social security law

Health benefits: removal of the waiting period during the state of health emergency

Social security cash benefits are paid from the first day of sick leave for all work stoppages starting from the date of publication of the health emergency law and until the end of the state of emergency. sanitary

Authorization of the government to take by ordinances emergency measures which may take effect on March 12, 2020 in the following areas:

Breaches of employment contracts: The government may limit breaches of employment contracts.

Partial activity scheme: The government will be able to strengthen the partial activity scheme by adjusting the social system for the allowances paid in this context, extending the scheme for beneficiaries, reducing the remainder payable by the company.

Additional compensation for work stoppages by employees: The government may adapt the terms and conditions for granting the additional salary payable by the employer in the event of work stoppage for illness or accident of its employees.

Paid vacation days: The government may allow a collective company or branch agreement to authorize the employer to impose or modify the dates of paid vacation days for employees within the limit of six working days.

RTT days, rest days from package agreements and rest days from the time savings account (CET): The government may allow any employer to impose or unilaterally modify the dates of RTT days, scheduled rest days by flat-rate agreements and rest days assigned to the employee's CET.

Hours of work, weekly rest and Sunday rest: The government may allow companies in sectors particularly necessary for the security of the Nation or the continuity of economic and social life to derogate from the rules relating to hours of work, rest weekly and on Sunday rest.

Participation, profit-sharing and exceptional purchasing power bonus: The government may modify the deadlines and terms for payment of profit-sharing or profit-sharing bonuses, as well as the deadlines and conditions for payment of the exceptional bonus for purchasing power. purchase.

Information-consultation of the social and economic committee (CSE): The government may modify the methods of information and consultation of the CSE to allow their members to give their opinion within the required timeframe.

Occupational medicine: The government may adjust the procedures for organizing examinations before occupational medicine.

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