Decree No. 2014-1354 of November 12, 2014 on various measures relating to the validation of acquired experience is taken for the application of Law No. 2014-288 of March 5, 2014 relating to vocational training, employment and social democracy.

The decree, which entered into force on November 15, 2014, relaxed the conditions for opening the right to leave for validation of acquired experience, specific to persons holding a fixed-term contract (CDD).
The requirement relating to the exercise of a job under CDD is removed. From now on, the holder of a CDD must justify twenty-four months of salaried activity or apprenticeship, consecutive or not, whatever the nature of the successive contracts, during the last five years to be able to benefit from the leave. (Art. R.6422-7-1 of the Labor Code). The decree specifies that the leave takes place outside the period of performance of the employment contract and must begin no later than twelve months after the end of the contract (Art. R.64227-2 of the Labor Code).
However, the leave for validation of acquired experience may be taken, at the request of the employee and with the agreement of the employer, in whole or in part before the end of the employment contract. The procedures for supporting the candidate for the validation of acquired experience are detailed by the decree (Art. R.6423-1 to R.6423-4 of the Labor Code).
This accompaniment is carried out according to the needs of the candidate. It includes a basic module consisting of a methodological aid to the description of the candidate's activities and experience corresponding to the requirements of the reference system of the certification concerned, to the formalization of his validation file, to the preparation of the interview with the jury and, if necessary, in the professional situation. It can also include assistance with orientation and the search for funding to support additional training. Finally, the regional committee for employment, vocational training and guidance and the National Council for employment, vocational training and guidance are designated to ensure the statistical monitoring of the careers of candidates for the validation of acquired experience (Art. R.6423-5 of the Labor Code).

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