Registration for the "Summer of Entrepreneurs" competition
This form allows us to understand your project and validate your participation in the competition. Please note: only application files sent i) via the form below or ii) via the email address with the form below completed with its appendices, will be processed. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 06/01/78 amended by the law relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data of 06/08/2004, participants have the right to access, rectification and withdrawal of information concerning them from the organizing establishment. Each participant can exercise this right on simple request by proving his identity to the following address: The Arst Avocats, CPA & Anode team Form in Word format on request at the address: Rules: The entire application file can be written in French or in English. Exchanges with the Organizers will take place in French Remember to check that the registration confirmation page is displayed correctly
I can't send my file
Contact us on our email address will send you a form in Word format very quickly.
I have not received my registration form
Check your spam or fill out the form directly
I only received one form
All the points necessary for your registration are contained in the Word form and on the site
I would like more information about this competition
A single address: