Newsletter n° 27 – Employment law – November 2015
Newsletter n° 27 - Labor law - November 2015 Collective agreements Contents COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSNational collective agreement of architectural, urban planning and environmental consultantsOrder of July 2, 2015...

Housing contract, right of ownership and accessibility
Newsletter n° 26 - Real estate law LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY NEWS Housing contractDecree n° 2015-587 of May 29, 2015Defence of property rightsProposal of law of May 20, 2015AccessibilityBill of...

Employer representativeness, social and tax declarations and disability
Newsletter n° 25 - Employment law - September 2015 CONTENTS Legislative and regulatory news Employer representationDecree n° 2015-654 of June 10, 2015 Employers' social declarations Ordinance of June 18, 2015...

Telephone canvassing, reporting obligations and business life
Newsletter n° 24 - Business law - August 2015 Contents LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY NEWS Telephone canvassingDecree of May 19, 2015Simplification of business lifeDecree of May 18, 2015Simplification of...

Holding of the RCS, Removal from the SIRENE directory and the RSEIRL and decree
Newsletter n° 23 - Business law LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY NEWS Maintaining the RCS, Removal from the SIRENE directory and the RSEIRLDecret of 14 April 2015The decree of 14 April aims to clarify, adapt and simplify the ...