Newsletter n° 28 – Real estate law – November 2015

Newsletter n° 28 - Real estate law - November 2015 Co-ownership, rents, real estate agents and trespassing LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY NEWS Co-ownership information for buyers Ordinance of 27 August 2015...

Information for purchasers of co-owned lots

The government was empowered by the law of 20 December 2014 to simplify business life, to take, within nine months following the publication of the law, by means of an ordinance, measures with the aim of simplifying the procedures for informing purchasers provided for in articles L.7...

Evolution of rents

Under the terms of article 18 of the law of July 6, 1989 tending to improve rental relations and modifying law n° 86-1290 of December 23, 1986, modified by the Alur law, in the zones of continuous urbanization of more than 50,000 inhabitants where there is a marked imbalance between supply and demand...

Real estate agents

The Alur law aims to further regulate the exercise of the profession of real estate agent. To this end, several texts have recently been adopted. Thus, the code of ethics, the principle of which was provided for by the Alur law, is now applicable to these professionals. Similarly, the terms and conditions relating to their obl...

Home invasion

Law No. 2015-714 of June 24, 2015 to clarify the offense of home invasion amends only Article 226-4 of the Penal Code as follows: The introduction or maintenance in the home of another to the The aid of maneuvers, threats, assault or coercion, except where the law allows it, is punished...

Real estate law – Jurisprudence (Jul. Jul. Sept. 2015)

Compensable damage in the event of an error by the diagnostician Compensation for early repayment Expropriation for reasons of public utility – Extent of the right to compensation Participation of the syndicate of co-owners in the event of...