Home invasion

Law No. 2015-714 of June 24, 2015 to clarify the offense of home invasion amends only Article 226-4 of the Penal Code as follows: The introduction or maintenance in the home of another to the The aid of maneuvers, threats, assault or coercion, except where the law allows it, is punished...

Real estate law – Jurisprudence (Jul. Jul. Sept. 2015)

Compensable damage in the event of an error by the diagnostician Compensation for early repayment Expropriation for reasons of public utility – Extent of the right to compensation Participation of the syndicate of co-owners in the event of...

Newsletter n° 27 – Employment law – November 2015

Newsletter n° 27 - Labor law - November 2015 Collective agreements Contents COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSNational collective agreement of architectural, urban planning and environmental consultantsOrder of July 2, 2015...

Labor law – Case law (June July September 2015)

Fixed-term contract: absence of term Travel time for employees without a fixed place of work Determination of the law applicable to the contract Documents containing obligations for the employee in a foreign language Requalifi...

CCN of architecture, urban planning and environment councils

Order of July 2, 2015 extending an amendment to the national collective agreement for architecture, town planning and environment councils (no. 2666) The provisions of amendment no. 20 of January 21, 2015 relating to the value of the point, to the aforementioned national collective agreement, subject to the app...


In the context of relations between the supplier and the distributor or the service provider, the Hamon law has imposed the communication of the general conditions of sale (GTC) no later than 1 December (Art. L.441-7 of the French Commercial Code ). The Macron law has restricted the scope of this text insofar as,...