Nominative social declaration

The nominative social declaration (DSN) must allow the monthly and single transmission of data sent by companies to the various social protection bodies. The implementation of this device is progressive. Since 2013, voluntary companies can use it. The use of the DSN will be oblig...

Law relating to the simplification of business life

Law No. 2014-1545 of December 20, 2014 includes two types of provisions. If some of them bring modifications in several matters and particularly in social law, in real estate law, company law, tax law and consumer law, many are the provisions which in these...

Informing employees in the event of the transfer of their company

Law n°2014-856 of July 31, 2014 relating to the social and solidarity economy (“ESS” law) creates for the benefit of employees a right of information prior to any transfer of business, shares, shares or securities ...

Real estate: Allocation of charges and commercial lease

Law No. 2014-626 of June 18, 2014 relating to crafts, trade and very small businesses, known as the “Pinel law” has modified the key to the distribution of charges between the lessor and the tenant. This news has...

Newsletter n° 6 – Employment Law

Contents REFORM LEGISLATION OF THE LITIGATION PROCEDURE IN TERMS OF Acknowledgment of the TERMINATION OF THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTLaw n° 2014-743 of July 1, 2014 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSExtension to all companies covered by the agreement...

Reform relating to unemployment benefits

The agreement of May 14, 2014 relating to unemployment compensation was approved by ministerial decree of June 25, 2014. The decree of June 25, 2014 makes the provisions of the agreement applicable on July 1, 2014 mandatory, except for applicable rechargeable rights...