Chaouki Gaddada presents the firm's Labor Law - Social Security department

Chaouki Gaddada, partner, lawyer at the Paris bar and director of the Social division presents the firm's Social Law - Social Security department. Chaouki Gaddada, Can you remember your...

Reinforce occupational health prevention

Law n° 2021-1018 of August 2, 2021 to strengthen occupational health prevention transposes the national interprofessional agreement (ANI) concluded by...

Companies faced with the institution of the "sanitary pass"

On July 25, Parliament adopted a bill relating to the management of the health crisis which aims to put in place the system to combat the spread of covid-19 commonly called "sanitary pass". »...

Religious freedom in private companies: what can an employer do in the face of a religious fact?

Discussion on religious beliefs, wearing a religious symbol… what are the rights of employees in the professional environment and what are the limits that the employer can set? ...

Meal vouchers and teleworkers

Definition: restaurant vouchers, an optional benefit Principle of equal treatment Employees working from home They are not in a comparable situation for the Nanterre judicial court They are in a...

National protocol to ensure the health and safety of employees at work

Ensuring the health and safety of employees at work By decree of March 19, 2021 (decree no. 2021-296), the public authorities ordered new health measures to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic in more... .