Business law – Case law (Sept. Oct. 2015)

Summary 1. Failure to execute a transaction2. Failure to declare claim3. Dispute of debt4. Unfair competition: harm to the partner of a company in liquidation5. Duty of confidentiality...

Business law – Jurisprudence (Jul. Sept. 2015)

1. Debtor's own right to seek remedies2. Nullity of the contract – Impossibility of restitution3. Contractual obligation and penalty clause4. Indivisibility5. Conditions for participation in decision-making in a society...

Real estate law – Jurisprudence (Jul. Jul. Sept. 2015)

Compensable damage in the event of an error by the diagnostician Compensation for early repayment Expropriation for reasons of public utility – Extent of the right to compensation Participation of the syndicate of co-owners in the event of...

Labor law – Case law (June July September 2015)

Fixed-term contract: absence of term Travel time for employees without a fixed place of work Determination of the law applicable to the contract Documents containing obligations for the employee in a foreign language Requalifi...

Real estate law – Case law (Apr. May 2015)

1. Condition precedent without fixed term stipulated in the promise of sale 2. Terms of appointment of the trustee of co-ownership 3. Recourse of the trustee against an administrative decision 4. Ownership of the basement 5. Indexation of the rent 6. Assistance of the lessor to the sublet 7. Cumulative remuneration of the real estate agent...