Rental value of residential premises

The decree of December 18, 2014 setting the list of experimental departments for the revision of the rental values ​​of residential premises provided for in article 74 of law n° 2013-1279 of December 29, 2013 on amending finances for 2013, lists the experiment departments of the revision of ...

Local rent observatories

Decree No. 2014-1334 of November 5, 2014 relating to local rent observatories, the procedures for communicating and disseminating their data and the creation of the Scientific Committee for the observation of rents, which entered into force on November 8, 2014, determines the terms and conditions under which the minister in charge...

Nominative social declaration, decision of the administration, acquired experience and tariff modifications

Newsletter n° 7 - Social law Summary LEGISLATION NOMINATIVE SOCIAL DECLARATION Decree n°2014-1371 of November 17, 2014 - Orders of December 11, 2014~ADMINISTRATION DECISION TIMES Decrees n° 2014-1290 and n°201.. .

Labor law – Case law (Nov. Dec. 2014)

Contents Threshold for triggering overtime Collective agreements of the bank and the notary: flat rates in days The qualities of an employee cannot justify a difference in treatment when hiring The con...

Validation of acquired experience

Decree No. 2014-1354 of November 12, 2014 on various measures relating to the validation of acquired experience is taken for the application of Law No. 2014-288 of March 5, 2014 relating to vocational training, employment and social democracy. The decree, which entered into force on November 15, 2014, ...

Social law – Decisions of the administration

Law No. 2013-1005 of November 12, 2013 empowering the Government to simplify relations between the administration and citizens amended Article 21 of Law No. 2000-321 of April 12, 2000 relating to the rights of citizens in their relations with the authorities. While the law of April 12, 2000 provided that the...