Partial activity – Checks and appeals

The latest control figures show nearly 50,000 post-clearance checks leading to the initiation of nearly 400 criminal proceedings. ...

Brexit: What consequences for British workers in France and their employers?

January 31, 2020 Until December 31, 2020 November 19, 2020 Agreement with the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU Transition period Decree No. 2020-1417 transposing the withdrawal agreement into French law The situation of British workers...

How to challenge a decision of the Direccte refusing the use of partial activity?

An employer who is forced to reduce or temporarily suspend his activity may resort to partial activity for the following reasons: the economic situation; difficulties in supplying materials for...

The rules of the partial activity scheme

The partial activity scheme, commonly known as partial unemployment, is a scheme which allows the employer to: First possible measure: temporarily close all or part of his establishment Second possible measure: ...

Partial activity – towards mass checks!

Important checks announced by the Ministry of Labor The announcement (published on the website of the Ministry of Labor) An instruction from the Ministry of Labor provides for the deployment of a major control plan for applications for...

Collective proceedings: the employee facing the procedure

Wage claims: super-privileged claims The principle? In the context of collective proceedings, the employee is particularly protected: he is not an ordinary creditor. What protections? A super pr...